Blood pressure has two components, systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the first number of a blood pressure measurement and reflects the pressure inside arteries when the heart pumps. Diastolic Blood Pressure, the second number, is the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.
What is high diastolic blood pressure?
Diastolic pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of arteries as it flows through these blood vessels between heartbeats. In IDH, the diastolic pressure is generally elevated because tiny arteries, called arterioles, in the body are narrower than usual. This compresses the blood flowing through the arterioles, thus raising the pressure.
In IDH caused by primary hypertension, the underlying reason for the arteriolar narrowing is poorly understood. Unusually high levels of certain substances that raise blood pressure, such as angiotensin, or inappropriate contraction of tiny muscles in the arteriole walls are two possible reasons. Genetic factors may also contribute.
What are the causes of high diastolic blood pressure?
An under-active thyroid, or hypothyroidism, is one of the more common secondary causes of IDH. As in primary hypertension, the elevated diastolic pressure is the result of excessive arteriolar narrowing. Hypothyroidism may be suspected in a person with weight gain, fatigue, and intolerance to the cold, but blood tests are required to confirm the diagnosis. Endocrine diseases producing high levels of aldosterone, parathyroid hormone, or corticosteroids can also cause IDH.
Most diseases that damage the kidney can lead to IDH by reducing the ability of the kidneys to remove fluids from the body or by increasing the production of angiotensin. Renovascular hypertension, due to narrowing of the main artery leading to the kidneys, is another possible cause of IDH.
What are the complications of elevated diastolic pressure?
While much emphasis is placed on reducing systolic blood pressure values, elevations in diastolic blood pressure is still a significant predictor of life-threatening consequences.
A previous study evaluating the medical records of over a million people reported that while elevations in systolic blood pressure were indeed linked to a higher risk of heart disease-related chest pain as well as strokes, high diastolic blood pressure was liked to a great risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm, a condition where the main artery found the abdominal cavity leaks or bursts creating a life threating situation.
Additionally, other studies found that a link between increases in diastolic blood pressure and cognitive decline.
Isolated diastolic hypertension can possibly lead to a possible progression of systolic hypertension, which is a predictor of diabetes, stroke, and heart failure.
Sleep apnea syndrome — episodic pauses in breathing during sleep — may also cause IDH by excessive arteriolar narrowing and reduced fluid excretion by the kidneys. The increased heart rate often seen in people with the syndrome may contribute, as it shortens the time between heartbeats so the blood vessels spend more time exposed to the extra blood flow accompanying each heartbeat.
Excessive daytime sleepiness is suggestive of sleep apnea syndrome, but a sleep study is required to diagnose the disorder. Chronic excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to IDH. This may be especially likely if liver damage occurs since angiotensin is usually degraded in the liver. IDH may also be caused by medications, such as oral contraceptives, corticosteroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.
What are the symptoms of diastolic high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is generally considered a silent disease as it is notorious for not producing many if any, appreciable symptoms. This is the reason why most medical professionals consider having high blood pressure an asymptomatic disease, having no symptoms.
However, secondary causes of high blood pressure (attributed to an underlying condition) may present with additional presentable symptoms in addition to increases in blood pressure.
Hypothyroidism, for example, is characterized by an underactive thyroid gland leading to a decrease in the production of thyroid hormone and can present with weight gain, intolerance to cold, and feelings of tiredness, in addition to elevations in diastolic blood pressure.
Primary hypertension cases do not have any presenting symptom but instead can lead to long-term health consequences if not treated early in the course of the disease. This is why taking blood pressure measurement on a regular basis is vitally important, as it is the only reliable method for identifying the condition.
It is also important to mention to having blood pressure reach very dangerous levels 180/120 can lead to the presentation of symptoms that should prompt immediate medical intervention.
Here are some of the symptoms of high diastolic blood pressure:
- Dizziness
- A headache
- Night sweats and increased sweating
- Difficulty sleeping
- Nose bleeding
- Heart palpitations
- Nausea
- Blurred vision
High diastolic blood pressure — also known as isolated diastolic hypertension or IDH, is distinct from isolated systolic hypertension or elevation of both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. IDH can often be well controlled with personal and lifestyle changes, although your doctor may recommend medication as well.
Risks of high systolic and low diastolic blood pressure
If you have a diastolic number — the bottom number of a blood pressure measurement — less than 80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and a systolic number — the top number of a blood pressure measurement — greater than or equal to 130 mm Hg, you have a common type of high blood pressure called isolated systolic hypertension.
Isolated systolic hypertension can be caused by underlying conditions such as artery stiffness, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or diabetes. Occasionally, it can be caused by heart valve problems. It is the most common form of high blood pressure in people older than age 65, but it is possible for younger people to be affected by this type of high blood pressure as well.
Here is a video discussing the risks of having high systolic and low diastolic blood pressure:
Here are 12 natural foods that help lower diastolic blood pressure:
1. Papaya
Eating one fresh Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month to lower your diastolic blood pressure naturally. Do not eat anything after that for about 2 hours.
2. Amla, Indian Gooseberry.
One tablespoonful each of fresh amla, Indian gooseberry juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning. It may lower your diastolic blood pressure naturally. It is used for centuries in traditional Indian medical system, Ayurveda.
3. Onion Juice.
Take two teaspoons of half onion juice and half honey once a day for 1-2 weeks to lower your diastolic blood pressure naturally. Onions are a great source of quercetin which is known for its antihypertensive properties.
4. Watermelon.
Watermelon is another safeguard against hypertension. Eat fresh watermelon early in the morning for maximum health benefits. An organic compound called citrulline, an a-amino acid was first isolated in 1914 from watermelon.
Once ingested, the body can convert citrulline to the amino acid L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. To translate, citrulline, found in watermelon is converted into arginine-essentially a chemical building block-which leads to the production of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide talks to various cells and systems in your body that regulates, among other things, how hard your blood gets pumped through your entire body-also known as vascular systematic resistance. It will widen blood vessels, which lowers vascular resistance, which ultimately lowers blood pressure.
Imagine trying to pump a certain volume of liquid through a small opening versus a wider opening. The wider opening will allow it to flow smoothly and easily-it’s the same with blood cells!
Eat 1-2 cups of fresh watermelon every morning on an empty stomach.
5. Ionized Water.
Drink 8-12 glass of ionized water daily to lower diastolic blood pressure.
6. Garlic and Garlic Milk.
Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective home remedies in lowering the blood pressure.
It is excellent for thrombosis, hardening of arteries and high blood cholesterol. Always use fresh or dried garlic and avoid heating it. You can make garlic milk at home by heating a half liter of water and milk and boiling 10 cloves of garlic in it.
Once cold you can add honey. One or two pieces of garlic rolled in raisin can also help to lower your diastolic blood pressure naturally.
7. Watermelon Seeds.
Grind equal amounts of watermelon seeds and Khas Khas and keep together. Take one teaspoonful on an empty stomach and one in the evening with water for lowering blood pressure. This can be taken 3-4 weeks according to the requirement.
8. Cayenne Pepper.
In half of the cup of lukewarm water add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drink it when needed. Chili peppers are an amazing source of many nutrients such as Potassium and Magnesium, but the most important ingredient is Capsaicin which helps with pain, ulcers, inflammation and more.
Read more about the natural power of chills pepper here
9. Lemon and Honey Water.
Squeeze half a lemon in 100 grams of water and add one tsp of raw honey, and drink it every two hours for immediate relief.
10. Tulsi and Neem.
Take four leaves of Tulsi and two leaves of Neem with 2-4 teaspoonfuls of water, empty stomach for 5-7 days.
11. Fenugreek Seeds.
Fenugreek, also known as Methi, is a plant with many health benefits. Both the leaves and the seeds are packed with good amount of soluble fiber. Take one teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds morning and evening with an empty stomach for 10-15 days with water.
12. Drink Coconut Water.
Coconut water is found inside the shell of green, unripe coconuts that retains its natural benefits in organic and raw form. It contains potassium and magnesium, both of which relate to regular muscle function, and of course, the heart is a big giant muscle.
While there have been some limited studies on the effect of coconut water on hypertension, many people report anecdotally that it has helped lower blood pressure.
In studies, it seemed to particularly affect systolic blood pressure or the force that takes place when the heart pumps blood away from it. If you don’t have a problem with coconut water, it may prove to be a solid remedy for you. You can learn about more benefits of coconut water in the following video.
Lowering diastolic blood pressure naturally is so much easier today with all the new information that is out there. Ensure that whatever steps you are taking to help yourself lower blood pressure is shared with your physician. Always consult with him/her when you are making changes and never stop taking your medication without supervision.
14 Replies to “Treat Diastolic Hypertension Naturally”
I love all this information How much is the resperate?
The cost of RESPeRATE is low if you consider the cost of a life time of taking hypertensive medication. The cost is $299.95 for the RESPeRATE Ultra. Free Shipping for a limited time.
My respirate costs $330 well worth the investment
My diastolic BP is fine. Don’t want it any lower. How do I lower just my systolic BP?
That’s my problem area?
Dear Douglas, The information provided will work on both types. You can also google “how to lower my systolic blood pressure”
Can you shed more light on how one prepares the Onion juice. My particular problem is how much water do you require to mix with the half onion? Secondly, do you simply mix the onion slices with cold water or you have to boil the two to make the onion juice?
Dear Barnet.
Please follow this link to a friendly page explaining how to extract onion juice. Then follow the instructions in our article: two teaspoon of half onion juice and half teaspoon honey once a day for 1-2 weeks.
Hope this helps.
Thank Yarn.
Thank you Yaron.
Thanks for all the various foods remedies to try. I prefer to using eating healthy than taking medicines.
Your welcome. I think the body responds much better with less harm the using chemicals to heal.
What is the IDEAL Breaths/Minute?
Dear Geoff, The recommended BPM is 5-7. Eli
please recommend the best prebiotic and probiotic for management of blood pressure
Thank you !